Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New picture coming soon

I can't believe we are almost done with the second movie our next one is about abuse . But the 3rd movie is going to be a horror movie. I get to play the mom of the mass murder . That sounds like a fun job. My director made me a producer of the films . I was a producer in A Crying Shame , I was also the producer for the movie we are doing now Sweet Caroline. It should be coming out soon. Mine is going to be on air on cable 21 time warner . This month so look out for it everybody. I'm so excited . We are having fun and making movies at Dreamboat Motion Pictures . If you would like to visit our web site please go to dreamboatmovies.com

Saturday, October 31, 2009

That part of the movie went great .

Hi everyone I'm back . Well that part of the movie went great everything was smooth sailing so to speak. The blood was fun to work with . It looked a little to real. But that is OK My co Star Craig Borst is fine, his part went very well too. His flannel PJ's were hot literally one leg over the other leg of his I was sweating I know he had to be sweating as much as I was. But it was great I have now sold 33 movies . If you want your copy of "a crying shame" it is only 10.00 here is the trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oJDwYDhgqI just go to my face book page and request a copy . I will email you back.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

my movie is coming along

Hi everyone ,
know it has been a while since I wrote , I have been busy working and working on my film. We get to play with the fake movie blood this Sunday that should be fun. Well I guess I will go for now let you know how every thing goes.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I finally got my first speaking roll

I start this Sunday on the 10 of May filming my movie . It is going to be fun and exciting . I'm finally on my way Tom you were right the time I wrote you about a mutual friend. The Tom I'm referring would be the one and only Tom Selleck of course . Have a great day Tom if you read this . I'll be in Atlanta Ga where your at this Sat. If my daughter still goes down for her photo shoot. Maybe I will eat at MCalisters. Best wishes always to you and your family .